Endokrium – Evidenco


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Holoram Endokrium

Equilibrium is a bioregulator that enhances the nutritional and energy balance of the body. It potentially aids and fortifies a robust endocrinal system. The believed mechanism of action is to:

  • Support the innate processes that boost the bioenergetic functions of neuroendocrine regulation, notably those impacted during hormonal transition phases.
  • Deliver the essential bioinformation needed to trigger energy equilibrium during times of hormonal shifts.



    • Group I. Phytonutrients that regulate the endocrine system:Sage dried extract (Salvia officinalis L.) (leaf) >2.5% rosmarinic acid 52 mg, Cimicifuga dried extract (Cimicifuga racemosa L.,root) >2.5% Triterpene glycosides 70 mg, Rosemary dried extract (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) (leaves) >2% rosmarinic acid 22 mg, Red clover dried extract (Trifolium pretense L.) (herb) >20% Isoflavones 18 mg, Dried Angelica (Angelica archangelica L.) (root) 13 mg, Yarrow (Achilea millefolium L.) (herb) >0.02% chamazulene 4 mg, Fennel dried extract (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) (fruit) >0.25% Anethol 4 mg.
    • Group II. Adaptogenics and nutritional preparations: Maca dried extract (LepidiummeyeniiWalp.) (root) ratio 4:1) 79mg, Triphala dried extract (Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula and Terminalia bellirica fruits, 30% tannins) 18mg; Ashwagandha or Withania dried extract (Withania somnifera, root, 1.5% withanolides) 13mg.
    • Group III. Amino acids: L-Proline 30mg, L-Aspartic Acid 18mg, Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) 13 mg, L-Citrulline-DL-Malate 13 mg, L-Glutamic Acid 9mg, L-Tyrosine 4mg.
    • Group IV. Minerals: Tricalcium phosphate (38.76% Calcium, 19.97%Phosphorus) 40mg; Magnesium malate (>20% magnesium) 15mg; Zinc gluconate (14.34% zinc) 10mg; Copper gluconate (13.88% copper) 1mg; Manganese gluconate (11.42% manganese) 0.5mg.
    • Group V. Metabolic Regulators: Adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) 1mg; Sodium hyaluronate 1mg.
    • Group VI. Phospholipids and Vitamins: Beta-carotene (>10% beta-carotene) 14.4mg; Soy lecithin (Glycine soja, values: phosphatidylcholine 18-25% phosphatidylethanolamine 10-16%, phosphatidylinositol 14-19%) 10mg; Vitamin E (Tocopheryl Acetate 50% vitamin E, 500-600 I.U./g) 7.2mg, Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (Vitamin B6, 63.82 pyridoxine) 0.66mg; Thiamine hydrochloride hlc (Vitamin B1, 78.67 thiamin) 0.42mg; Folic acid (pteroylmonoglutamic acid) 0.1mg.

    Contents: 60 capsules of 580 mg

    Instructions: 1 capsule, twice a day, best before breakfast and dinner, or according to a specialist's advice.

    Research Studies on Ingredients of Endokrium

    Group I. Phytonutrients that regulate the endocrine system:

    • Sage dried extract (Salvia officinalis L.) (leaf) >2.5% rosmarinic acid 52 mg

      • Features: Sage is renowned for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
      • Benefits: May enhance cognitive abilities, reduce menopausal symptoms, and support overall brain health.
      • References: Effect of Salvia officinalis on diabetic patients.
    • Cimicifuga dried extract (Cimicifuga racemosa L.,root) >2.5% Triterpene glycosides 70 mg

    • Rosemary dried extract (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) (leaves) >2% rosmarinic acid 22 mg

    • Red clover dried extract (Trifolium pretense L.) (herb) >20% Isoflavones 18 mg

    • Dried Angelica (Angelica archangelica L.) (root) 13 mg

    • Yarrow (Achilea millefolium L.) (herb) >0.02% chamazulene 4 mg

    • Fennel dried extract (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) (fruit) >0.25% Anethol 4 mg

      • Features: Fennel is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and diuretic properties.
      • Benefits: Often utilized to treat bloating, gas, and other digestive issues.
      • References: Effect of Fennel on primary dysmenorrhea.

    Group II. Adaptogenics and nutritional preparations:

    • Maca dried extract (LepidiummeyeniiWalp.) (root) ratio 4:1) 79mg

      • Features: A root vegetable indigenous to the Andes, recognized as an adaptogen and rich in essential amino acids, iodine, iron, and magnesium.
      • Benefits: Supports hormonal balance, boosts energy levels, and may enhance sexual health and fertility.
      • References: Effect of Maca supplementation on mood and anxiety.
    • Triphala dried extract (Emblica officinalis, Terminalia chebula, and Terminalia bellirica fruits, 30% tannins) 18mg

      • Features: A traditional Ayurvedic formulation comprising three fruits, known for its rich antioxidant properties.
      • Benefits: Supports digestive health, promotes detoxification, and may enhance skin health.
      • References: Efficacy of Triphala in maintaining oral health.
    • Ashwagandha or Withania dried extract (Withania somnifera, root, 1.5% withanolides) 13mg

      • Features: A renowned adaptogenic herb central to Ayurvedic medicine.
      • Benefits: Assists in stress reduction, supports cognitive function, and may improve physical performance.
      • References: Impact of Ashwagandha on stress and cognition.

    Group III. Amino acids:

    • L-Proline 30mg

      • Features: An amino acid essential for collagen synthesis.
      • Benefits: Supports skin health and elasticity, promotes joint health, and aids wound healing.
      • References: Role of proline in skin health.
    • L-Aspartic Acid 18mg

      • Features: An amino acid that plays a crucial role in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and deamination of amino acids.
      • Benefits: Supports energy production and neurotransmitter synthesis.
      • References: Studies on Aspartic Acid metabolism.
    • Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) 13 mg

      • Features: A primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system.
      • Benefits: Assists in reducing anxiety, promotes relaxation, and improves sleep.
      • References: Role of GABA in anxiety and depression.
    • L-Citrulline-DL-Malate 13 mg

    • L-Glutamic Acid 9mg

      • Features: An amino acid vital for metabolic processes and neurotransmission.
      • Benefits: Supports cognitive function and plays a role in the body's energy production.
      • References: Role of Glutamate in neuroscience.
    • L-Tyrosine 4mg

      • Features: An amino acid precursor to several neurotransmitters, including dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.
      • Benefits: Can support mental alertness, focus, and mood.
      • References: Tyrosine and cognitive performance.

    Group IV. Minerals:

    • Tricalcium phosphate (38.76% Calcium, 19.97%Phosphorus) 40mg

      • Features: A major source of calcium and phosphorus.
      • Benefits: Essential for bone health and dental health, and aids cellular function.
      • References: Calcium and bone health.
    • Magnesium malate (>20% magnesium) 15mg

    • Zinc gluconate (14.34% zinc) 10mg

      • Features: A common form of zinc supplementation.
      • Benefits: Vital for immune system function, protein synthesis, wound healing, and DNA synthesis.
      • References: Zinc and immune function.
    • Copper gluconate (13.88% copper) 1mg

      • Features: A form of the essential mineral copper.
      • Benefits: Important for iron metabolism, energy production, and neurotransmitter synthesis.
      • References: Copper in human health.
    • Manganese gluconate (11.42% manganese) 0.5mg

    Group V. Metabolic Regulators:

    • Adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) 1mg

    • Sodium hyaluronate 1mg

      • Features: The sodium salt form of hyaluronic acid.
      • Benefits: Supports skin hydration, aids wound healing, and is beneficial for joint health.
      • References: Clinical use of hyaluronic acid.

    Group VI. Phospholipids and Vitamins:

    • Beta-carotene (>10% beta-carotene) 14.4mg

      • Features: A carotenoid and precursor to Vitamin A.
      • Benefits: Antioxidant properties, supports skin health, and promotes good vision.
      • References: Beta-carotene and human health.
    • Soy lecithin (Glycine soja, values: phosphatidylcholine 18-25% phosphatidylethanolamine 10-16%, phosphatidylinositol 14-19%) 10mg

      • Features: A complex mixture of phospholipids derived from soy.
      • Benefits: Supports brain function, promotes liver health, and is used as an emulsifying agent.
      • References: Neurological effects of soy lecithin.
    • Vitamin E (Tocopheryl Acetate 50% vitamin E, 500-600 I.U./g) 7.2mg

      • Features: A fat-soluble antioxidant.
      • Benefits: Protects cells from oxidative stress, supports immune function, and promotes skin health.
      • References: Vitamin E in dermatology.
    • Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (Vitamin B6, 63.82 pyridoxine) 0.66mg

      • Features: The active form of Vitamin B6.
      • Benefits: Essential for neurotransmitter synthesis, hemoglobin synthesis, and energy metabolism.
      • References: Vitamin B6 in health supplements.
    • Thiamine hydrochloride hlc (Vitamin B1, 78.67 thiamin) 0.42mg

      • Features: A water-soluble vitamin.
      • Benefits: Crucial for energy metabolism, supports nerve function, and aids in the synthesis of certain neurotransmitters.
      • References: Thiamine in clinical practice.
    • Folic acid (pteroylmonoglutamic acid) 0.1mg

      • Features: A type of B-vitamin.
      • Benefits: Vital for DNA synthesis, supports fetal development, and helps in the formation of red blood cells.
      • References: The importance of folic acid.